Hope Deferred and Fulfilled Desires


Proverbs 13:12 is a verse that has been used by many to encourage people in their faith. It says, "Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a desire fulfilled is a tree of life." The verse is important because it reminds us of how important it is to keep our hopes alive and not let them die out.

The Meaning of Hope Deferred

Hope Deferred

Hope is a positive feeling that something good will happen. It's the opposite of hopelessness, which means you think there is no hope for your situation to improve. Deferred hope means that something good has been put off or delayed until later.\

Deferred hope makes the heart sick because it creates uncertainty and anxiety about when something will happen, if at all. If you're waiting for an important phone call or email from someone who hasn't contacted you in months, then this could be considered deferred hope because there's no certainty about whether they will contact you at all!

The Power of Desire

What is desire?

A desire is a longing for something. It's an intense feeling of wanting to have, do or be something.

Desire can be good or bad depending on how you use it. For example, if you want to be healthy, then this is a good thing because it means that you care about your health and want to take care of yourself. But if someone has an unhealthy desire for money or power, then their desires are leading them down the wrong path because they're focusing on things that aren't important in life (like wealth).

The Power Of Desire

The power of desire comes from its ability to motivate us towards achieving our goals by making us work hard towards those goals until we achieve them! This can be seen through Proverbs 13:12 which says "Hope deferred makes the heart sick." In other words: if there's no hope for getting what we want out of life - or even just seeing some progress toward getting what we want out of life - then eventually those feelings will turn into despair because nothing seems possible anymore...

Deferred Hope and the Human Condition

Deferred hope is a state of mind in which you have been waiting for something for so long that you begin to lose hope that it will ever happen. This can be especially true when it comes to health issues, financial situations, or relationships. When we are in this state of mind, our hearts become sick because we feel like there is no way out and all our efforts are being wasted on something that may never come true.

When you find yourself dealing with deferred hope:

1.  Don't give up! Keep trying until God reveals His plan for your situation (Proverbs 3:5-6). He knows what's best for us and He will lead us down the right path if we continue trusting Him with every step along the way (Psalm 37:3).

2.  Pray about it! Ask God to give you strength as well as wisdom when making decisions regarding your future plans (Colossians 4:2).

The Role of Faith

If you are in a season of deferred hope, it is important to keep the faith. The Bible tells us that "the righteous cry out, and the Lord hears them; he delivers them from all their troubles" (Psalm 34:17). This verse teaches us that God has not forgotten about us or abandoned His plan for our lives. He will deliver us from our troubles if we trust Him and wait patiently on Him.

When we experience deferred hope, it can be easy to lose sight of this truth--but we must never give up! The Bible says that "hope deferred makes the heart sick" (Proverbs 13:12). When we do not see any results from our prayers or efforts after a long time passes by, it's natural for our hearts to become discouraged and disappointed in God's promises because they seem so far away from being fulfilled. However, when we continue trusting Jesus Christ as our Savior despite feeling discouraged during times like these--and allow ourselves time each day where we read scripture as well as pray--we will find comfort knowing that He has not forgotten about us at all!
